You are nervous and hyperaware of any toxic behavior signals (even when you have left your toxic job).
For some toxic job escapees this is situational, but for many their toxic job destroyed their self-belief and their self-confidence.
And can strike in the weirdest ways, like when a coworker asks questions about a project you are working on or when your boss books a meeting at 4pm.
Especially leadership. It seems like everyone is holding information back, taking credit for your ideas or sabotaging your work to get what they want.
You side-eye their social media posts, post bad Glassdoor reviews (at least you dream about it), and you just can’t seem to get past how your coworkers did nothing to help you and how your boss never had your back.
Like no one gets it. You might even question if it really was a toxic work environment because no one else seemed bothered.
If you still care at all. It feels like there are too many barriers and too many headaches to make an impact, let alone get a promotion or be happy doing what you do. You feel like it’s better to clock in, clock out - and not care.
Whether it’s taking a lowball off just to GTFO, not getting annual increases or stepping off the promotion track… your salary is doing anything but skyrocketing.
What causes this toxic job hangover?

(Pavlov proved this with salivating dogs)
Many of the toxic behaviors you endure in a toxic workplace are designed to make you question yourself, be on edge, and doubt your own awesomeness.
But instead of a bell and food (and you being an adorable fluffy dog)...
You’re an awesome human whose stomach drops whenever you get a slack notification from your boss.
You get inexplicably nervous talking to your manager (or potential manager).
You see toxic warning signs everywhere you look.
It doesn’t matter if there is food or not,
these signals ring the bell and you sense danger...

Maybe you finally mustered up the courage (and cash) and quit your job without a Plan B
Or you quit because you accepted another offer.
Or you kept hanging in there until you were let go from your toxic job (which feels kinda like when someone you don’t like breaks up with you)
No matter how you exit your toxic job, at some point you breathed a big sigh of relief.
It’s finally over.
Until you realize...

This is where I would love to give you some statistics on toxic workplaces, and how prevalent they are…
The damage they do to the economy and careers, ya know scary statistics that make you want to do something about it.
But I got crickets…
Other than one researcher who has been studying toxic workplaces (in an apparently first of its kind study).
99% of people will have a toxic work experience at some point in their careers
(shout out to that research, Jeremy Piasecki, for sharing this finding with me)
So we know 60% of people quit jobs to escape bad managers.
83% of people don’t feel comfortable reporting harassment because they know nothing will be done about it.
And that 94% of people have been bullied at work...
At least Buzzfeed has a few listicles…
The thing is the problem is real. We know it. We experienced it.
And I have heard hundreds of stories from toxic workplace escapees.
The problem is massive
Yet resources are scarce - or dangerous

Here are four tips from top Google results about toxic workplace recovery (cringe warning ahead)

Find a way to blame yourself. Okay, it didn’t say exactly that but that’s the subtext. That your toxic work environment is your fault (BTW victim-blaming is never okay)

Go on a self-care shopping spree. Let’s be clear you should not spend, eat, or drink your emotions.

Take time off. Directionally, this is valid, but in practicality, most people need their paycheck and taking extended time off to learn a new hobby is not practical (especially after those shopping sprees)

Let it go. The header on this one was bad, and while we need to let go to move on it's not just a decision you make - it take work to get there.
I can assure you these don't work because...

You can regain your confidence, and become even more self-assured.
You can be a top performer again, getting visibility, praise and opportunities you didn’t think were possible at your toxic job
You can let go and forgive your toxic job, which doesn’t release them - it releases you.
You can reestablish your career trajectory.
You break the toxic job cycle and step into your awesomeness at work
I created a system to help you do just that...

I survived a job that was so toxic at one point I was hospitalized, but I didn’t realize how much I was impacted until I left the company and accepted a new role. I didn't realize how damaged my confidence was, how little I felt I could trust anyone, and how much it was effecting my performance until my first review.
That was my wake up call that I needed to process the trauma, rebuild my confidence and my eliminate my toxic job mindset. I dove deep into the research on toxic workplace, trauma and trauma recovery. I've taken course, intensives and trained on different approaches to healing from trauma.
For the last four years, I have been helping people do exactly that through my YouTube channel, TikTok, and LinkedIn presence.
I have met and worked with hundreds of toxic workplace escapees.
And have gotten countless stories about how my resources have helped them survive and heal.
This is why I know...

Introducing the first of its kind program to help you recover from a toxic work environment.

You are looking for your next job, and know LinkedIn can help.
You are eager to impress anyone who lurks your profile.
You dream of having recruiter sliding into your InMails, bringing opportunities to you instead of the other way around.
You know it can be used for networking, since the usual IRL events are all on paus.
But you are clueless on where to start.
You want to hide under a blanket if someone mentions 'profile optimization'
You aren't sure if you're at the stage in your career where companies will come to you.
But you see the possibilities that come with having a powerful online presence.
Starting February 26th, there will be an on-demand released each week, with downloadable guides, and resources to support your toxic job recovery at your own pace.

Week 1: Release
Toxic workplaces create toxic beliefs and habits. This week we will begin weeding them out, and revealing and rebuilding limiting beliefs formed by your toxic job.
Week 2: Rebuild
Surviving a toxic work environment can leave you feeling out of control of your career - and your life. By future focusing you are going to get clear what you want from your career and what's important to you are work (which is crucial to escape the toxic job loop).

Week 3: Create Confidence
Confidence is key to career success; from finding a job and negotiating the offer to standing out and getting a promotion, rebuilding your self-belief is essential to getting over your toxic job.
Week 4: Embrace Awesome
There is something uniquely awesome about you, that will help you reestablish your career after a toxic job. This week we will uncover your Unique Awesomeness Quotient (UAQ) and reconcile it with your perceived weaknesses.

(value $2,997)

Week 5: Prevention
No one wants to find themselves in another toxic workplace. Intention and boundaries play a key role, you’ll get clear on both in this workshop.
Week 6: Thrive
You can only glow up from here. This week we focus on entering thrivival mode and integrating success habits.


BONUS 1: Toxic Job Recovery Inbox Guidance
(value $1497)
Get 6 weeks of weekly guidance and check-ins throughout this process. Each week, you'll get an email outlining what's next, common stumbling blocks and points, and direct access to Jennifer for email support if you're stuck, spiraling, or spinning. Dates: February 29th to April 5th 2024

BONUS 2: Toxic Job Office Hours
(value $850)
In addition to the live workshops, there will be three office hours to support your toxic job recovery and help keep you on track in the course. Bring your questions, stuck points or hang out to listen.

BONUS 3: Become Unbothered (On-Demand)
(value +$1,000)
This workshop is your jumpstart to toxic job recovery. You'll also get the accompanying 30 page guidebook and private podcast series.

BONUS 4: Escape the Toxic Loop Pre-Kickoff Training (value $257)
There is a lot to unpack in the next six weeks; this training is going to help you get a jump start on it. Grounding your awareness in WHY your job was toxic and how that can show up going forward will accelerate your toxic job recovery.

BONUS 5: Toxic Job Prevention Checklist
(value $50)
One of the top concerns of toxic workplace survivors is making sure they do not find themselves in another toxic job. This checklist gives you steps to take and questions to ask before you sign a job offer to help you avoid them.

BONUS 6: Mindset Meditation Pack
(value $99)
These meditations have been designed to support your toxic workplace recovery journey and amplify your self belief, decrease stress and anxiety and help you enter thrivival mode.

BONUS 7: Remarkable Resume
(value $27)
“I love writing resumes” said no one ever (except Career Coaches). Telling your story, and keeping it up to date keeps you Plan B ready, and can affirm your awesomeness.

BONUS 8 Glow Up on LinkedIn
(value $37)
If part of your recovery journey is escaping or rebranding this will help! Part checklist, part guide part formula, building your personal brand will accelerate your career uplevel.
And it's all backed up with our

Realize you can't stand Jennifer's West Coast Canadian twang? Feel like the tactics are not for you? Decided you prefer to just survive after a toxic job?
Look, if you're not happy we're not happy. And when we're not happy, we get frowny. That only leads to wrinkles, which leads to Botox which while magical is both annoying and kinda scary (needles + face aren't my ideal). To calm your fears and both of our stress lines, we have a no questions asked money-back policy within 14 days of enrolling.
(Okay, we do ask SOME questions because if we can fix your concerns we want to, but this isn't a fake policy that makes you 'prove you did the work' - and don't even get me started on a rant about those).

Will you be buying mansions, high-end handbags and hot cars. Throwing dollar bills?
No, unless you already were.
But when the toxic job hangover is gone you will feel more confident at work again.
The thought of a meeting with your boss, or getting a dreaded ping will no longer fill you with anxiety because your perceived dangers will readjust to normal (non-toxic) job levels.
You might even find yourself excited about work again.
Without doubt in your self in yourself or the people you work with.
You might even find yourself on a path to promotions, praise and more pay… you can choose your own career adventure again is what I’m saying.

When are the workshops?
This cohort runs between February 26th and April 5th. A new module is released each Monday.
Will this help me with my job search?
One of the most important things in your search is your confidence! This is a main focus for the Toxic Job Detox program. Some of the bonuses include resources to help you create high impact job search assets, but we won't cover search or things like resume writing specifically in the program.
Does this replace therapy?
Therapy is not coaching and vice versa. Therapy typically helps you process past events and develop coping mechanisms, and while we will look to the past workplace to identify patterns and stress management, our focus in Toxic Job Detox is present mindsets and tracking to future success. Some of my clients do therapy and coaching, and some just do coaching. Which mixture is right for you is totally up to you!
Can I work with you one on one instead?
I am not currently accepting 1:1 clients outside of my programs, so this is the best way to work with me.
Will this work for me?
When are the Group Coaching Q&A Calls?
Q&A calls begin on October 14th and will be 60-90 minutes each. The schedule is as follows: Thursday, February 29th starting at 7pm EST, Thursday, March 14th, starting at 3pm EST; and Thursday, March 28th starting at 12pm EST. If you are unable to attend the live call, you will be able to submit question which Jennifer will answer in detail. All enrollees will receive the recording.
Why don’t you have tons of testimonials?
I know a lot of coaches that take screenshots from private conversations and groups to use on their website and on social media to flex. But, confidentiality is something I take incredibly seriously. Would you like it if I took your trauma and used it to market myself? Could you trust me if I did that? The answer to those questions is probably no. In addition, many of my clients also have NDAs and non-disparagement agreements, which could put them in legal peril. I'm releasing what my clients have consented to and no more than that.
Do you guarantee results?
This is where it gets tricky… I have all the confidence in this program AND your potential. But I’m not doing the work for you, and I can’t make you do the work, so I cannot guarantee results. But I do offer a 14 day money back policy - and unlike other Career Coaches, I’m not making you jump through hoops and holding your money hostage to prove you took every step because, because quite honestly, if you’re not happy, I’m not happy. And if I’m not happy I start frowning a lot, and that drives up my future Botox bills. It is much more economical and much less miserable to simply refund you so we can both be happy and wrinkle free.
I've spend tens of thousands of dollars on courses and coaching, and I know each choice brings up the fear: what if it doesn't work!? I am confident this will help you recover from your toxic workplace as long as you do the work (even when it isn't easy). Let's swap the question to the more likely outcome... what if it does work?
Will I be back to normal in 6 weeks?
This I will not promise you, because I would be a lying liar who lies if I did - no one can promise a timeline. But here is what I will tell you: you will make progress and you will feel more confident and less afraid at work. Whether this is the beginning of your recovery or the whole thing will depend on you exact situation (don’t worry, you still get access to the workshops, tools, and community so you aren’t on your own afterwards)
Can I join if I did not have a toxic job?
It’s not a pre-requisite. In fact, many of my clients don't feel comfortable labeling their work experience as toxic or traumatic. This program is for anyone who has had a negative experience at work that is impacting their confidence, trust and success no matter what terms you use to describe the experience.
I need this but I’m not ready. Can I join later?
This is the second cohort, and as long as you keep demanding it, I will re-open enrollment in the future. However, the price will likely increase as I revieve the program each round to make improvements and enhance your experience.
How much time do I need to dedicate per week?
I suggest saving 1-2 hours per week to review the workshops and do the work, and an additional hour to attend or review the Coaching Q&A Call. I designed this to be efficient and effective, there is no fluff or time sucks included.
How long do I get access to the program for?
For life! This is not a subscription product, so when you enroll it's yours. When you enroll, a new module will unlock each week to guide you through the process to nagivate the toxic job recovery process and help you reach the thrive phase. Note; the email support and Q&A calls are limited duration.
All the results referenced in our client success stories are our personal results or those of our most exceptional clients. We’re not implying you’ll automatically have the same results - yours will be different. Most people who buy ANY online program or course get little to no results. Examples are to give you a sense of what is possible based on what our clients have accomplished. Your results will vary and depend on many factors and we do not guarantee results.